Linuxtage CTF #glt22ctf
23.04.2022 , HS i4
Sprache: English

Practice real-world security challenges in a fun and legal way! On-site hacking competition organized by @LosFuzzys

A CTF is a hacking contest.
Its a safe, legal, and free (as in free beer) opportunity to learn about hacking or test your hacking skills.

Everyone with a computer and an internet connection is welcome. You don't have to be present at Linuxtage - but it is more fun if you are!
We welcome people with different skill levels; a curious beginner is as much welcome as an experienced person. We also embrace different skill sets and diverse backgrounds by providing different categories and levels of challenges.

You can register and access the CTF here:

The CTF is already live, so you can start solving challenges right away.

I am a computer science student at TU Graz interested in the intersection of IT Security and Artificial Intelligence. Also I am part of the LosFuzzys CTF team.

Diese(r) Vortragende hält außerdem:

Lena Heimberger is a student at TU Graz and team captain of the CTF team LosFuzzys. She focuses on the implementation and mathematical aspects of information security.
She is also active lockpicker at the Austrian lockpicking association OpenLocks.

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Marcel is a PhD student at Graz University of Technology where he studies cryptography, specifically symmetric primitives. As a member of the local CTF team, LosFuzzys, he enjoys solving solving cryptography and miscellaneous challenges. In his spare time, he enjoys bouldering and route climbing.


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Computer Science student at TU Graz

Markus Schifermüller is a student of computer science at the university of TU-Graz and a member of the CTF team LosFuzzys.

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