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Infrastructure as Code and AI - does it fit?
04-06, 13:05–13:30 (Europe/Vienna), HS i7
Language: English

AI combined with cloud computing and infrastructure as a code - does that fit? Yes, indeed!

Are you curious how the GitHub Copilot could support you in implementing 'Infrastructure as Code' to deploy resources on Azure in an automated way?
This talk reveals my approach to using the AI pair programming tool. Starting from scratch, I will create a working Terraform configuration that can deploy a Kubernetes cluster on Azure, by just providing comments.
What could good practice for that look like?
It shall prove that AI speeds up your development speed and works well for infrastructure as code approaches.

According to the very last question of my lecture:
My response to this question was not very precise, and I would like to improve it by directly referring to GitHub Copilot, as the GitHub Copilot took up a significant part of my presentation. A search on the ‘GitHub Copilot Trust Center’ addressed the question of whether any prompts provided to the tool is stored:

"Does GitHub Copilot retain any of your prompts that it used as a basis for providing suggestions?"

"The GitHub Copilot extension in the code editor does not retain your prompts for any purpose after it has provided Suggestions, unless you are a Copilot Individual subscriber and have allowed GitHub to retain your prompts and suggestions."


See also: Slides of the lecture (1.1 MB)

Ich arbeite als Softwareentwickler mit starkem Fokus auf Cloud-Tätigkeiten bei der AVL List GmbH in Graz. Einer meiner Leidenschaften ist es Beiträge für die Tech-Community zu erstellen, in Form von Blog Posts, Videos, Meetups, Speaker Aktivitäten und Workshops.
Seit 2023 bin ich HashiCorp Ambassador und Microsoft Azure MVP.

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