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Keith Andrews

Keith Andrews is a tenured associate professor at the Institute of
Interactive Systems and Data Science (ISDS) at Graz University of
Technology, in Austria. Having done work in the fields of computer
graphics, 3d worlds, hypermedia, and the web, he is currently pursuing
research in the fields of information visualisation and
usability. Keith helped organise the very first IEEE Symposium on
Information Visualization in 1995, was program co-chair in 2001 and
2002, and general chair in 2005. He also co-founded the UX Graz
meetups and UX Day Graz conference series.


Gizual: Browser-Based Git Repository Visualisation with WebAssembly and Web Workers
Andreas Steinkellner, Stefan Schintler, Keith Andrews

This talk presents Gizual, a cutting-edge open-source web application for visualising and interacting with Git code repositories. It leverages the power of web workers, WebAssembly, and a combination of optimisation techniques to run a Git visualisation locally in the web browser. The talk will look at some of the technical challenges which were overcome, including strategies to minimise memory footprint, implement performant file operations, and distribute workload using web workers.

HS i7